So far, Xiaomi get to our market for parallel imports – which means that the country does not have systemic technical support, regular software updating and official guarantee. However, this will soon change: Sinomach Auto, which represents the interests of Oting and Rox in Russia, agreed with Xiaomi Motor on global export-trading cooperation.
The agreement was reached with the subsidiary of Sinomach Auto, the company Hyperion Liding (Tianjin), which, in turn, has a Russian branch. The Russian division “Hyperion Liding” said that already in 2025 the third automobile brand will join the Oting and ROX brands already neglected on the market. “This will further expand the economic, trade and industrial cooperation of the two countries in the automobile sphere,” the company explained. “The strategic direction of the next stage in the development of the company will be the launch and presentation in Russia of Chinese intellectual vehicles on new energy sources.”
In Russia, the Rox 01 hybrid officially appeared with a guarantee: the prices and configuration in Russia presented the Oting Palasso pickup Hardtop. When sales begin to be declassified by the Xiaomi crossover
The Xiaomi line consists of two models: the SU7 electric sedan and the Yu7 electric crossover. The first is delivered to Russia with gray ways without an official guarantee of the manufacturer, costs SU7 from 6.5 million rubles for the 2024 car. Orders on Yu7 only recently began to be accepted in China, but some Russian firms are already ready to pre -order, albeit without indicating the price. In addition, Russians can order an extreme Xiaomi SU7 Ultra with a 1548-horsepower electrical installation, prices for it reach 20 million rubles.
Agreements with Hyperion Leasing are opening the opportunity to organize official supplies of Xiaomi from China to Russia with a guarantee and service support. But the parallel import of electric carcasses of the brand will be limited.
This happened with the Rox 01 hybrid crossover (previously appeared under the name Polestone 01). It was presented in Moscow at the end of 2024, and then representatives of Hyperion Liding warned that they were introducing a car control system. If machines that are not designed for export will be detected outside China, all three screens in the cabin will be disconnected remotely. You can unlock them only through contacting the manufacturer to the office in China.
However, this does not apply to those machines that were imported to Russia until December 2024, that is, before the official Rox entry into our market.
Great Chinese price: cool cars from China