Since 2010, he has practically doubled, calculated in Avtostat, because because of the current market realities, Russians seek to drive the available cars for as long as possible. In 2024, LADA on average owned 8.4 years, while 14 years ago was less than five years. The indicator of European models last year is 6.8 years against 3.9 in 2010, South Korean-6.5 years against 3.4.
In the secondary market, cars over 10 years are most popular, and their share is growing. In 2022, it was 24 percent, in 2023-25 percent, and in 2024-27 percent.
At the same time, more “young” machines are reselling less and less. The share of cars aged one to two years in 2022 was 13 percent, in 2023-10 percent, and in 2024 fell to nine percent.
In Russia, all cars were counted in which Russian regions are most Chinese cars every tenth car in Russia over 21 years old
The expenses of Russians on mileage cars last year turned out to be a record. 6.95 trillion rubles were spent – 19 percent more than a year earlier.
Most spent on the “old” cars manufactured 10 or more years ago, as well as the “Europeans” and the “Japanese”. Chinese models quickly increase the share on the “secondary”, but it is still relatively small.
The only copy: unique cars on sale