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On February 22 and 23, the next stage of the Krasnodar Territory Championship for the drift of Sochi Drift Challenge will be held on STK Pilot. On the first day, qualifications are planned, and on Sunday athletes will perform in paired races.

On February 22 and 23, the third stage of the Krasnodar Territory Championship for the drift of the Sochi Drift Challenge season 2024 /2025 will be held in Ust-Labinsk. Drifters from all over the country, from South Sakhalinsk to Kaliningrad, will gather at STK “Pilot” to compete for the title of the best in individual and team standings.

The qualification single races will take place on Saturday, February 22, and on a festive Sunday day, athletes will give spectacular races in paired design. The struggle is expected to be hot, since this is the penultimate stage of the season: the final, fourth stage will take place in a month – March 22-23.

The champion of Russia, the vice-champion of the world in drift Arkady Tsaregraders, the judge of the style, together with the judges of the corner and the trajectory, both competitive will evaluate the skill of pilots and immerse the offline and online audience in the subtleties of one of the most spectacular types of motorports.

For the audience, places in the stands are prepared, as well as in the zones of free accommodation. Fans will get the opportunity not only to observe the progress of the competition, but also to chat with pilots in the service park and at the traditional parade, to better consider combat vehicles, especially since one of the most powerful cars in the world is expected-1600-horsepower Dodge Viper!

Tickets and subscriptions can be purchased on the site

The first Russian Drift Cup in History

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