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Avtostat publishes sales statistics in the secondary market in January 2025. In the first month of the year, the Russians resold 420.3 thousand cars with mileage, which is 29.4 percent more than in January 2024. The rating of the most popular models is also given: in January, the country most often bought used Lada Samara-2 and Lada Priora, and Kia Rio and Hyundai Solaris were popular from foreign cars.

More than half of the secondary market – 51.5 percent – falls on five marks. The largest share is from the domestic Lada (26.45 percent), the sales of which amounted to 111.2 thousand cars. Next comes Toyota with an indicator of 42.4 thousand cars sold and shares of 10.09 percent, followed by Korean Kia and Hyundai (22.6 thousand and 22 thousand pieces), and the top 5 Nissan (18.2 thousand pieces) closes. The share of the last three of these brands is 5.39, 5.23 and 4.34 percent, respectively.

The most popular used machines for 500 thousand rubles are named the most popular Chinese cars on the “secondary” list the most popular used cars in January

Volkswagen (16.6 thousand cars), Chevrolet (14, 96 thousand), Renault (13.7 thousand), Honda (13.2 thousand) and Ford (12.5 thousand) also hit the top ten. There are still no Chinese brands that dominate the market of new cars.

As for the models, Lada has the top three most popular on the “secondary” 2107, 2114 and 2170, follow them in the ranking Kia Rio and Hyundai Solaris, followed by Lada 4×4, Toyota Corolla and Camry, and clings to one ten more Lada – 2109.

A sharp increase in sales of used cars is explained by an increase in the rate of utilization fee for new cars. Utilsbor is once paid for each car-both locally produced and imported from abroad.

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