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Buyers of cars by the Swedish brand discovered fake components in S60 sedans. According to the SOHU Chinese publication, we are talking about the Bowers & Wilkins audio system, which includes 15 speakers located around the perimeter of the cabin. It turned out that in some cars the marking of the audio system differs from the original name.

Instead of the Bowers & Wilkins inscription on some speakers, there is a marking “Bowers & Vvilkins”. On other elements, the logo “BO*VV*Ers & Wilkins” is applied. Buyers wondered: whether counterfeit speakers were installed in cars intended or is it a manufacturer’s mistake. In addition, car owners said that in some S60 the design of the gear selector is slightly different from the original handle. At the same time, the same Chinese dealer sold all problematic sedans.

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After messages from customers, Volvo management began its own investigation. Representatives of the Swede of the company said that a strict system of control over all car elements, including accessories, was introduced in the production. In any case, counterfeit products undermined the trust in the brand in the Chinese market.

In November last year, in Russia they were going to introduce a marking of auto parts. Thus, the Ministry of Industry and Trade decided to deal with counterfeit details that have flooded the domestic market.

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