The representative office of the Chinese brand reacted to the new Mash telegram channel. The publication stated that one of the brand cars cracked the rear window at a temperature of -11 degrees Celsius, and in the dealer center the car owner was refused to replace it under warranty. Geely said that the cause of the breakdown was not weather conditions, but an external impact – the specialists of the service center came to this conclusion when inspecting the machine.
“The distributor does not have data confirming this problem and its mass character,” the official statement of the Russian office Geely says. -At the moment, one appeal in Rostov-on-Don has been registered with such a problem. Inspection at the dealer center showed that the glass of a car that appears in distributed messages was affected by external mechanical exposure, as evidenced by the specific nature of destruction. This became the basis for recognizing this case not warranty. ”
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Mash, in turn, suggests that “the rear window could not withstand the Russian frosts, the probable reason is the factory defect,” but it does not lead to this. The publication is accompanied by two videos, which capture the broken rear window of the car without identification features-neither registration signs nor the VIN-number is visible.
This is not the first such news from Mash. Earlier, the telegram channel distributed a video that captures the consequences of an accident with Changan UNI-S (CS55 Plus)-the backs of the front chairs broke off the crossover.
In response to this, Changan conducted an additional inspection of the safety of his cars: in two rounds, the seats were tested for strength according to the European E-NCAP standard. The company shared information about the consequences of the accident: it turned out in the dealer center that the metal frame of the driver’s seat was really damaged during an accident, but was not broken into two parts, as in the video Mash. According to the characteristic breaks of the metal, experts concluded that the upper part of the seat was broken after the accident, according to preliminary data, to receive compensation from the insurance company.
We are waiting in Russia: Chinese news