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Supercar Maserati MC20 has become the fastest drone in the world. A car equipped with a II system developed by Milan Technical University was able to accelerate to 318 kilometers per hour-9 kilometers per hour more than the previous record holder, Dallara AV-21 Bolid.

Researchers from the Milan Technical University gave artificial intelligence to steer the real Maserati MC20. The races took place on the take-off and landing strip of the Kennedy Space Center as part of the 1000 Miglia Experience Florida, and the car not only exceeded its previous Maximum Assistance (285 km/h), but also broke the record of the Autonomous Bolid Dallara AV-21, expanding to 318 kilometers per hour. For speed measurements, a telemetry complex and two GPS receivers were used.

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There are no other data on the “filling”, but it is known that the MC20 remained with the full -time “BURBOSHESTERK” 3.0 Nettuno (630 hp, 730 Nm) and the eight -speed “robot”. By the way, the passport maximum speed of the supercar is 325 kilometers per hour, so I did not reach a little bit.

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Maserati with Milan Technical University and the second joint project-Rogster Mc20 Cielo, equipped with an AI driver created as part of the Artificial Intelligence Driving Autonomous (AIDA) project. The project is implemented with the support of the National Center for Sustainable Mobility, and its goal is to develop an autonomous control technology that can be safely used in real conditions.

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