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The Danish motorist Federation (FDM) shared unusual statistics: in 2024, the regulator “sent to retake” many owners of American cars. The country is supposed to undergo a technical inspection in four years, that is, the sample included electric cars of the 2020 model year. Of the 4668 copies of Tesla Model 3, 1051 did not cope with the task, which corresponds to 23% of the failures.

The average market indicator of the number of defects in four -year -old cars in Denmark is nine percent, and Tesla Model 3 recorded 1392 defects – three times more than analogues. Technical inspection operators criticized lighting equipment, brakes, steering and suspension. FDM called the level of faults of American electric cars “outrageous”.

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Experts came to the conclusion that the durability and quality of Tesla Model 3 does not correspond to the indicators of other automobile brands. The FDM brakes were ready for problems, since electric cars are inhibited differently, and the mechanisms fail more often. However, the back of the steering and suspension wear turned out to be too large for a four -year -old car. There are no explanations of headlight defects: they either blind, or poorly fixed and vibrate on the go.

The representative of Tesla did not comment on the quality of Model 3 on request FDM. However, in an email, the company recalled that in 2021 the electric car survived a large update, and in 2023 she debuted the restyled version. In Denmark, Tesla electric cars are very popular, so there will be no problems with the representativeness of a new sample.

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