Rosstandart published a new version of GOST with the requirements for road signs, Kommersant writes. In it, among other things, a ban on advertising of hotels, motels, campsites and maintenance stations is introduced. At the same time, it is still allowed to indicate the direction of travel to various cultural objects, for example, museums and monuments.
The reason for the prohibition of advertising is unknown: no explanations of the Central Military District of Moscow and Rosstandart, which developed the document, did not give. Otherwise, GOST update is technical in nature.
Experts note that the innovation is due to the desire to prohibit private business to advertise at the expense of the budget. Often businessmen agree with local road organizations to install such an advertisement. Others believe that the path to hotels and hotels should just be indicated on road signs – this, in their opinion, contributes to the development of tourism.
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The adjusted GOST will enter into force in 2026, but in the regions it may begin to be used now. The compliance of the signs with the standard checks the traffic police. Violation threatens with a fine: now it is a maximum of 300 thousand rubles, but the State Duma plans to increase it to a million.
Also, since 2026, new road signs will be introduced in Russia. In particular, the ability to combine several signs on one plate will appear: this will get rid of unnecessary signs, they say in the data center.
Scandalous advertising of cars