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The Ministry of Internal Affairs is going to remove an array of data about phantom traffic cameras from the database: it contains more than 20 thousand addresses where photos and video recording are not carried out. This was reported by Gazeta.Ru with reference to the ministry’s response to a request from the National Automobile Union (NAU). Seeing the camera in the navigator, drivers once again slow down and then accelerate sharply, which creates emergency situations on the roads.

Information about the cameras is posted in the regional segments of the State Traffic Inspectorate website, which is part of the “Official Internet Website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” complex.

According to US data, the database now contains 50 thousand addresses for installing cameras for photo and video recording of traffic violations. At the same time, there are only 29.8 thousand operating devices: this was reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs based on the results of the first quarter of 2024.

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Thus, more than 20 thousand addresses in the database are false. There is actually no camera, but it creates a “kangaroo effect” with drivers slowing down and suddenly accelerating. This negatively affects the accident rate.

In December, traffic cameras learned to detect drivers without compulsory motor insurance. The system is currently operating in test mode. On March 1, real checks will begin, but without fines for now: motorists will be sent notifications about the need to take out a policy. The fine for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance may be increased so that it is almost equal to the price of the policy itself.

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