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The portal found out that the Nizhny Novgorod trucks company is preparing for a truck with the YAMZ-770 motor. According to the publication, the latest domestic diesel with a working volume of 12.4 liters will eventually replace the Chinese 11.8-liter six-cylinder unit of American origin. The terms for the sale of Valdai-45 are not specified with the domestic power plant.

The YAMZ-770 engine is a in a co-sewer diesel diesel engine that can develop up to 620 horsepower and 3000 nm of torque. Which version of the unit will be installed on Valdai-45 for certain. In the future, the Russian motor can be combined with a domestic 12-speed gearbox, including on trunk tractors.

It was clearly shown that Valdai-45 is better than the Chinese Foton tractor, it turned out that Russian and Chinese in the new GAZ VALDAI 12, the blogger dismantled the new NN Sobol 4×4 gas and compared it with a foreign car

Valdai-45 is a localized version of the Chinese tractor Foton Auman Est. In the Celestials of the family, the Mercedes-Benz, Cummins, Wechai, Yuichai and Perkins Phaser are produced, so the architecture is universal and suitable for different units. The Valdai-45 localization plan includes the transition to Russian engines, gearboxes, domestic frame, bridges, exhaust system and electronics.

The main Russian competitor of the tractor released at the capacities of the Gorky Automobile Plant is the Tatarstan Kamaz K5. Production capacities for the assembly of modern cabs are modernized, and on the way trucks of the K6 line with a different plumage and an expanded set of options.

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