A twenty-second video appeared in the Telegram channel of the Moscow News, which is not easy to explain. An unusual motorcade was captured at the VDNH rink: Aurus from the Park of the Federal Security Service accompanied four maps. The pilots of small racing shells moved in the column, imitating a motorechort. Not far from the rink there is a special museum of special purpose garage, perhaps eyewitnesses removed a test race.
Although the Aurus Senat sedan does not have registration signs, the federal security service belongs to special communications and strobe -ribs near the license plate. Employees of the special services regularly hone driving skills in difficult conditions, but usually these are non -public races – they open free access to the FSO training ground in honor of the holidays, for example, on the eve of February 23.
FSO returned from Aurus motorcycles to the proven BMW first foreign diplomat moved to the Russian Aurus video: a declassified aurus prototype number zero
This week, the Aurus line was replenished with a crossover with a limusin. The Nizhny Novgorod RIDA workshop is ready to add a half -meter insert and book Komendant according to the VR7+/VR8 standard. The total length of the all -terrain vehicle did not reach a little to the mark of six meters, and the equipped mass of the long -drawn version can be more than 5.5 tons.
At the end of the year, a new Aurus Senat is expected on free sale. A deeply modernized sedan, with another appearance and salon, made his debut in May at the inauguration of Vladimir Putin, but so far there are such cars only in the presidential motorcade.
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