The partner of the T-Engineering company, founded by former Saaba engineers, will be the British AC Cars. In the TrollHettan, Cobra GT compares will be assembled, as well as work on new models.
The British company AC Cars has concluded a strategic partnership with the Swedish T-Engineering, in which it will gain access to the SAAB ex-WAB in TrollHettan and the T LEAGACY TRACK testing training ground in the same place, where the turbo-Saabs were running out at one time. Today, this whole complex belongs to Stenhaga Invest, which set itself the goal of reviving production, creating new jobs and, in a sense, return the Saaba spirit to the trollHetan.
AC Cars
And the cooperation of AC CARS and T-ENGINERING is very helpful here. Moreover, it will be beneficial to everyone. The British will receive at the disposal of high -class specialists with vast experience in the field of control systems and electrification. Well, the Swedes will earn money, use idle production capacities and give work to three dozen people. It has already been announced that T-ENGINERING will do not only assembly of relatives and coupe COBRA GT, but will also provide engineering services and take part in the development of new machines.
AC Cars
The current Cobra, represented in 2023, is built around a spatial frame with hinged carbon fiber panels. In the range of engines – gasoline “eights” of varying degrees of madness (power – up to 810 hp) and two -liter “four”. To accelerate up to a hundred, the most pumped two -door spends 3.2 seconds, and there is such a car from £ 225 thousand, which corresponds to 24.8 million rubles.
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