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Turblevity in the car market forces the company to save: Audi seeks to reduce expenses only for German plants by billion euros per year. To do this, she will have to reduce to 7.5 thousand workers by 2029. In addition, the once adamant leadership was apparently disappointed in the idea of ​​complete electrification and admitted that Audi continues to develop internal combustion engines.

Audi General Director Gernot Doltner said that the company should become “faster, more maneuverable and more efficient”, and this is impossible without personnel adjustments. In addition, various bonuses will be cut, and this can affect even top managers and members of the board of directors.

As for the factories, in the native Ingolstadt, Audi will produce an entry -level electric car (possibly “green” A3) and the new Q3, which will also stand on the conveyor in the Hungarian Diere. The fate of the site in Nekkarzulm is more foggy: perhaps it will become the center of AI and will collect “large electric sedans”.

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Audi noted that the economic conditions become “increasingly gesture” against the background of “political uncertainty” and the rise of new competitors. The duties that Donald Trump promise to introduce will aggravate the situation, since the Audi does not have a factory in the United States. Perhaps she will have to open the Wolkswagen workshop in Chattanuga to continue to supply cars to the Americans.

Electric cars are already sold worse than expected. Although the brand has not yet announced the refusal to switch to the “batteries” cars, it is already known that the work on the ICE is ongoing.

Cupra Terramar, brother Audi Q3

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