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According to the RIA Novosti news agency, the German concern sent an official letter in which he stated that these cars assembled from the engineering complexes remaining since 2022, in no case should be equated with models issued by the brand for the Russian market officially.

BMW said that the production of crossovers was completed without coordination with the company, which is the owner of all intellectual rights. In addition, brand experts did not control the assembly processes of machines. At the same time, the Germans emphasized that Autotor is not included in the unified production network of the concern.

The investments of Avtotor became known in the modernization of the plants of the Russian Avtotor will begin to produce Changan instead of BMW Russian Avtotor will attract robots to welding and coloring of the bodies

The listed factors suggest that the produced cars do not comply with the quality standards of BMW, so they create risks for the lives of drivers, passengers and other road users. In addition, the official warranty of the manufacturer does not apply to crossovers. As a result, BMW refused any responsibility for the X5 and X6 collected in Russia.

The fact that the Autotor was secretly gathered by the crossovers of the BMW X5 and X6, became known the day before. Cars worth from 13 million rubles received a prerestyled appearance.

“Chinese” Made in Russia: New models on conveyors of Russian factories

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