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A series of tests was carried out by the Atom team together with specialists from MSTU. Bauman, they involved functional prototypes of electric cars, which were subjected to dynamic tests with different loads and on different road surfaces. The tests took place both at the NAMI Test Center and on public roads.

During dynamic tests, a prototype electric vehicle with a maximum permissible weight moved along a test site with various types of coating. And on public roads, cars were sent to run along a specially designed route, including both city streets and suburban roads and highways. To accurately measure loads, functional prototypes were equipped with sensors that recorded impacts on suspension and body elements.

“A unique technique was developed especially for this, in which special sensors were used instead of strain gauges, all work was carried out by Russian specialists,” explained the startup’s press service. “This data will form the basis for endurance testing and will allow for optimal tuning of the suspension and other systems, as well as assessing their reliability.”


During testing, specialists will check the durability, reliability and wear resistance of both the electric vehicle itself and its key components – these are suspension parts, transmission parts, high-voltage and low-voltage electrical systems in a wide variety of operating conditions.

Atom said that the acceleration coefficient of life tests is the ratio of mileage on public roads to mileage on special roads at the test site under the same loads. “For example, the load that affects a car during 1,000 kilometers of travel on public roads is equivalent to the load experienced by the same vehicle during 100 kilometers on specialized roads of a test site. In this case, the acceleration factor for life tests is ten.” This system can significantly reduce test time while maintaining accurate performance estimates.

Data was collected from normal roads to create a digital model representing vehicle usage. And at the test site, the tests were more intensive, thanks to which it was possible to collect data equivalent to 200 thousand kilometers.

The checks are not finished yet. The next stage of testing using the developed route has now been launched.

Look at the interior of the serial Atom electric car

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