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On social networks, pictures of the Prototype KamAZ-52222, the latest model of the Chelny Auto Giant, appeared. We are talking about the A5 generation electric bus, which will eventually replace the old KAMAZ-6282 model on the streets of the capital (electric analogue of Honored Nephas-5299). The novelty will definitely become a bestseller, because Mosgortrans has already issued a contract for the supply of 400 such vehicles.

Saved buses of the USSR

Nobody previously removed from all angles of KAMAZ-52222, although the Chelninsky auto giant does not hide the novelty. In the electric bus park, a pre -production version is tested, and by the time the supply starts the battery will be replaced with domestic, produced by Raner. From current machines, the A5 generation is characterized by improved anti -corrosion resistance and a lightweight body.

@Icelis132 / @Icelis132 /

During the year, Mosgortrans should receive 400 KAMAZ-52222 electric buses: the contract amount is 29 billion rubles and includes 15-year maintenance and repair of rolling stock. An electric bus of 18 tons is designed for 85 passengers, can move on an electric protrusion at a distance of 100 kilometers and completely charged in 15-20 minutes. The battery with a capacity of 230 kilowatt hours will withstand 20 thousand cycles.

For sale they put up a PAZ bus, which did not go to the series

Each electric bus cost Moscow 34.8 million rubles, and at the 15-year service the same-tape in the budget, in another 37.9 million rubles were laid. Such costs can afford only the capital: in other regions of Russia, not only cannot afford the mass purchase of electric buses, but even updating the rolling stock of diesel buses. For example, in Saratov a year ago, the Soviet Ikarus-283 returned to the route.

And Kamaz came

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