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Astanaswap workshop shared a video of an unusual project. Instead of commercial engines, Cummins and UMZ Evotech on the Gazelle Next installed the legendary American unit in conjunction with a 5G-Tronic 5-speed automatic machine. For Swap, I had to redo the entire engine compartment of the Russian truck, change the cooling system, add Daimler-Chrysler radiators.

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Judging by the logos, the Chrysler 300C served as the Gazelle by the Gazelle: he borrowed both the V8 Hemi and the automatic gearbox. The tuners confirmed that the torque is over 500 nm, so you can count on the power of 330-350 horsepower. There are no questions to the reliability of the American motor: this is an unpretentious “atmospheric” with a cast-iron block that can digest AI-92 gasoline.


With a powerful V8, the Russian truck has become much more dynamic: a permitted speed of 90 km/h The empty machine is gaining in a few seconds. However, the engine is spinning over 5000 revolutions, and even at the Chrysler 300C sedan the declared gasoline consumption in the city is over 12 liters per 100 kilometers. The commercial car will be more voracious, so economic expediency is incomprehensible.

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Nevertheless, Astanamotors has long been engaged in swaps of V8 engines and automatic transmission in Russian Gazelle and Soboli, which means that Kazakhstan has a demand. Basically, customers prefer options with Japanese engines of the UZ family of the Toyota concern.

Routes of particular importance: History of special communications

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