The Cabinet of Ministers supported the project on an almost twofold increase in the fine for the transportation of children without special chairs or boosters, TASS writes. The sanction will increase from three to five thousand rubles for drivers, for officials – from 25 to 50 thousand, and for legal entities – from 100 to 200 thousand rubles.
The Cabinet of Ministers noted that from 2020 to 2024 the number of accidents with cars in which children were transported with violations increased. In 2020, 918 such accidents were recorded, and in 2024-959.
This “indicates the insufficiency of established administrative responsibility measures.” Nevertheless, the deputies demanded to supplement the explanatory note to the bill “information justifying the choice of the designed size of an administrative fine.” The government supports the project taking into account this comment
The Swiss was fined 100 thousand dollars for non -compliance with the distance, it became known where in Moscow they would be fine for noisy cars in Moscow 10 times a fine for non -payment of parking will grow. But not for everyone
Now children under seven years old need to be transported in a car or in a children’s chair in accordance with growth and weight. Children from seven to 11 years old can be transported without a chair, but only in the rear seat with a seat belt. On the front you need a chair or a booster. Also, children under 12 years of age cannot be transported in the back seat of a motorcycle.
For children over 12, “adult” rules apply: they must travel using a seat belt.
In February, Russia offered twice to increase the fine for an unhealthy belt. Also, the authors of the initiative urge to ban the sale of plugs for belts that are becoming more popular.
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