In February 2025, he amounted to 1.23 million rubles, calculated at the National Bureau of Credit Stories (NBBA). This is 17.3 percent less than according to the results of the same month of 2024, when loans were issued on an average of 1.46 million loans. The indicator also decreased compared to January 2025, but only by 0.5 percent from 1.22 million rubles.
The average car loan size in February has become the smallest since the beginning of 2023, analysts note.
Moreover, the amount varies depending on the region. So, in Moscow it is expected to be the largest – 1.64 million rubles. In second place, the Moscow region with 1.48 million, in third-St. Petersburg with 1.42 million. The average loan amount in the Leningrad Region is 1.41 million rubles.
Solaris for the third week in a row holds the ten leaders of the Russian market, revenue in the Russian car market has fallen to the annual minimum from the beginning of 2025 in Russia has risen in price of auto parts
The most noticeable indicator decreased in the Samara region – by 28.4 percent. A loan in the Ulyanovsk region “fell in price” for 24.1 percent, 23.8 in Rostov. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the decline was 16.1 and 18.3 percent, respectively.
Almost half of cars are bought on credit – 46 percent. However, according to the new issuance of loans in pieces, it fell by 31 percent, and for more serious – by 51 percent more serious.
Meanwhile, dealers are reading a further fall in the car market. According to their forecasts, in March about 80 thousand cars will be sold in Russia, which is ten percent lower than the January indicator. This is explained by the fact that many managed to buy a car last year, while others postponed the purchase until better times.
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