The Simbirsk Trakt off-road highway, the Asphalt Nizhny Novgorod Ring and the Sturman rally of the 3rd category-and all this on one trip. The Auto Rounder “Time Machine” amazingly declared immense.
“Time Machine” is a raid on the verge of sports and tourism. The task of the organizers (here is the name of the organization-NP “Interregional Association of Athletes of Rally-Rades”) was not only to load participants into the atmosphere of various motorsport areas, but also to show the beauty of winter Russia.
The route lay after five regions of our country – Moscow, Vladimir, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod regions, as well as the Republic of Mordovia. Eight crews started from Moscow on Changan cars-UNI-T, CS75, CS95New and Hunter Plus pickups.
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The organizer of the run is the non-profit partnership “Interregional association of athletes of rally-raids” (it became possible to get to the route of the famous Simbirsk tract).
In addition to the Changan brand, who more than once checked his equipment in motorsport (for example, the Hunter pickup has defeated the “serial SUV” of last year’s rally-raid gold Kagan), Sintec, which provided its oils and antifreeze. The manufacturer of automobile fluids is also a partner of sports competitions for several years. Within the framework of the Time Machine, the company’s specialists took the samples of their oils for a detailed study in an independent laboratory, according to the results of this work, they will present a report on how the oil changed their characteristics during various loads.
The first test for cars, oil and the participants themselves was weather and road conditions. Comfortable Moscow +2 with a complete lack of snow and ice in Ulyanovsk were replaced by Russian winter with a temperature of -10, a snowstorm and snowfall. But all this was a light scumbag in front of the first competition, which was prepared by the organizers.
Participants in the rally, among whom were automobile journalists, bloggers and partners of the event, had to enter the Simbirsk Trut highway, which is a stage in the Russian Rales Championship. The races were supposed to go along the winter soil on rubber without spikes, the length of one circle, which was to pass four times each participant, was about 20 kilometers, the speed was limited to 70 km/h, if the riders were exceeded, the penalty seconds. Judges of the highest category who work at the stages of the Russian Rally Raidam championship were arbitrators.
Each participant tried on the roles of both the navigator and the pilot. The real route abounded with clarifications and explanations where and what traps await the riders. The track is laid in an open field – relatively safe, but there is always risk in motorsport. Moreover, because of the blizzard, visibility was so bad that the turn could not be seen at all. Here we add frozen snow pans along the edges. Some crews ignored the work with the road book and periodically left for the field, and several bumpers and shelters remained to spend the night on the Simbirsk Trut.
Railing on the Simbirsk Trakt highway walked behind the wheel of Changan CS95 crossovers and Hunter Plus pickups. It would seem that the lighter and utilitarian pickup should become the king of this rally track, but it was not there. Since there were not professional motorbells behind the wheel, most of us were afraid to turn off the electronic assistants, and they were much more active and “evil” at the pickupa than many pilots while driving. When Hunter fell into snow drifts, the crawl out of them took long seconds, which subsequently laid down a heavy burden on the final result.
Surprisingly, the large, heavy and comfortable Changan CS95 seemed to me much more adapted to sports races on off -road. In sports mode, this car behaved abusively and did not strangle constant slowdown during slippers. Yes, the anti -operating system (ASR) also worked, but just as much as necessary to stabilize the car. There were many skulls on the highway, holes and frozen earthen pardon, after hitting the pilots fought their heads on the ceiling, the benefit was a helmet. Under these conditions, a comfortable and all-consuming suspension of the 95th came very helpful!
Busted by the “Simbirsk tract” and fascinated by the removal of Chinese technology, which withstood the real beating on the rally highway, the participants in the run moved towards Mordovia.
The time rake “Time Machine” is not only a mockery of cars, but also a large journey through five regions. The rapid development of domestic tourism increasingly pushes us to the opening of the most unexpected places. So for motorists, the village of Kemlya became 60 kilometers from Saransk. This tiny village was famous for its distillery, founded in 1828.
The Kemlyansky distillery retained the ancient room of Solodovni and the brick laying of the rectification department of the mid -19th century. Meanwhile, this is modern production that produces products with unique characteristics … You are unlikely to guess according to the description, but we are talking about vodka. It is produced on the basis of its own distillates. Alcohol is created exclusively on the basis of wheat grain, rye and barley. And in 2022, the factory workers first presented a limited series of single -united Russian whiskey. Perhaps, for the first time in the history of the “Kemlyansky”, a group of travelers could not take part in a tasting, although she really wanted to …
All tastings had to be postponed for the evening, since two hundred kilometers from Saransk in the territory of the Smolny National Park organizers “Time Machine” prepared competitions according to the rules of rally of the third category, when it is important to show not speed, but the accuracy of the distance. Racing and fearlessness no longer work here – an accurate mathematical calculation and speed control is needed. The participants were provided with the final point of the route on which it was necessary to complete the simple task and return to the starting place. The difficulty was that it was necessary to go according to the rules of the road, and in the territory of the National Park there are completely speed restrictions within 20–40 km/h.
The route, at first glance, consisted of beautiful forest paths and short distillations along a snowy highway, which did not become a difficult test for all -wheel drive cars, but in some places travelers encountered real road traps. For example, almost every participant experienced difficulties while traveling along a narrow bridge over the river, a slippery coating and a limited space forced the ralists to worry and lose their treasured seconds. Despite the tricks of the route, all participants coped with the task, came to the finish line without damage and hurried to the postponed tasting.
The final stop of the “Time Machine” was Nizhny Novgorod. Once in the “pocket of Russia”, the participants in the rally immediately went to the local Avtodrodr “Nizhny Novgorod Ring”, which annually accepts the stage of the Russian series of ring racing (RSKG). There, the organizers offered travelers the next, third discipline of motorsport. And everything would be nothing, but it was necessary to start not only driving crossovers, but also on the Hunter Plus pickup. Such a Russian ring did not know yet.
Despite the time of the year and the lack of competitions, the Autodrom actively receives guests and holds the track in full combat readiness. The coating is complex. In places, an ice crust, somewhere the wind manages to snow, but most of the highway is a clean but frozen asphalt. First, instruction from experienced racers, then training sessions and only then races in Time Attack mode.
The entire line of cars participating in the run entered the highway of the Nizhny Novgorod Ring. Especially majestically and at the same time incredibly looked near the boxes, restless pickups Hunter Plus.
According to the rules of the competition, each pilot was supposed to spend two sessions driving each car presented on the highway, the best circle was in offset, then the results were summarized. For almost two hours, people mocked the Changan road vehicles in gas-car, squeezing out of them maximum. The most light and maneuverable in this company UNI-T seemed to be a real racing car compared to the heavy CS95, the maximum pleasure and racing excitement. Each of the pilots, sitting behind the wheel of Teshka, was sure that he would definitely show his best time on him and surprise everyone … as if not so!
The Hunter Plus pickup is a real racing riot star under the lower. Excessive rotation, incredible rolls in corners, a captain landing, a long steering wheel – all this was predictably before the races, but it was he who forced the pilots to go for accurately and disciplined. The truck did not forgive mistakes and instantly sent gambling and fast to the snow. To tame the hunter, it was necessary to think five times before getting carried away with a powerful acceleration in straight and late braking before turning. As a result, it was at the wheel of a pickupa that many pilots managed to show the best time of the circle!
Avtodrod employees with the whole team lined up to look at what was happening. And it is difficult to say what caused them a smile and bewilderment more. Or the restlessness of the pickupa, who tried on the racing overalls to others, or the daring of crossovers, not one of which surrendered, having survived very serious loads on the racing highway with honor. Sintec antifreezes and oils, which were flooded in all Changan cars, have never reminded themselves of themselves throughout the car, although they had the right, given the high loads and changeable operating conditions.
Participants in the time of the Time Machine traveled more than 2000 kilometers in three days, three motorsport tests passed at once and managed to return almost whole eight cars that started from Moscow on the first day. The organizers of this unusual rally were able to prove that, if desired, it is possible to successfully combine tourism, motorsport and even tasting of domestic single -haliby whiskey. /m
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