The pictures appeared in the Autorun SPB Telegram channel, which claims that they established a serial assembly of a Chinese brand car. Officially, at the enterprise that belongs to the Russian company AGR, cars under the Solaris brand are being produced.
In the photographs, dozens of Jaecoo crossovers are noticeable white and gray. At the same time, the hoods of cars set in the parking lot are covered with a protective film. A similar coating is used to protect the paintwork of cars during transportation. The official representative office of the Chinese company did not report plans to localize the production of its models in Russia.
Former Hyundai plant in St. Petersburg: a year of work in numbers, how many cars a day produced by the former Volkswagen plant in Kaluga, the investments of Autotor became known in the modernization of factories
Insiders believe that at the former Hyundai plant, they launched a large assembly of the J7 and J8 models. The company can produce more than one and a half thousand cars monthly. In addition, AGR announced plans to launch the production of Chinese crossovers at the former General Motors site, which is expected to restart this summer.
At the end of February, the first photos of the Tenet brand crossovers appeared on the Web. The release of cars of Volkswagen in Kaluga will be launched by AGR.
Newcomers of the 2024th: what brands appeared in Russia for the year