From March 1, all taxi drivers in Moscow and the Moscow Region will be required to have a document on the certification, otherwise they will be disconnected from orders, writes TASS. While the certification has passed about a third of taxi drivers. This threatens with an acute shortage of drivers, transport collapse and a sharp increase in the cost of transportation, experts say.
The order of the Moscow Depotrans on the certification of taxi drivers was adopted in July last year. From August 12 to March 1, 2025, a transitional period was established so that the drivers managed to certify voluntarily. Since March, it will become mandatory.
Citizens of Russia, foreigners and stateless persons can pass it for free. During the test, drivers will be checked for knowledge of the rules for transporting passengers and baggage, emergency behavior, as well as for knowledge of “objects” – different locations in Moscow and the region.
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In mid -February, Moscow was reported that every third active taxi driver had already passed certification. In the capital, they, according to various sources, are 100-200 thousand. In the suburbs, at the end of January, only 16 percent of carriers received the document.
At the same time, many drivers are still sure that certification is optional, and therefore on March 1 they can be massively disconnected from the line. According to experts, the cost of trips can grow three or more times if the rules do not soften to avoid collapse.
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