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In January, 49.3 billion rubles were spent on the purchase of domestic auto industry, and Avtostat was calculated at Gazprombank AutoStat. This is one and a half times more than a year ago. In general, spending on new cars increased not so noticeable – by 6.2 percent, to 277 billion rubles in the first month of 2025.

The expenses for the purchase of European cars have grown markedly – by 16.5 percent by January 2024. For a month, “Europeans”, which are carried in parallel paths, took 28 billion rubles.

Speaks on cars from other regions decreased per year. So, 174.7 billion rubles were spent on Chinese, which is 0.7 percent less than a year ago. The Russians bought Japanese cars for 12.9 billion (-17.5 percent), American-2.4 billion (-29.1 percent), South Korean-by 4.6 billion (-48.2 percent).

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The “Chinese” still dominate the financial structure: they took 63 percent. Next are Russian brands (17.8 percent), European (10.1 percent), Japanese (4.6 percent), Korean (1.7 percent) and American (0.9 percent).

The growth of expenses on domestic machines is associated with an increase in their sales in January by almost 30 percent. It also led to a decrease in the weighted average cost by 4.3 percent, since Russian cars are cheaper than others.

Despite this, about a hundred thousand non -distributed cars accumulated in AvtoVAZ warehouses. This is about one and a half times higher than normal, said the head of the auto giant Maxim Sokolov.

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