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Have you ever dreamed of being in childhood again? And what about the opportunity to return to it for at least one hour? For example, when you went somewhere on your children’s affairs on the Soviet bus and have not yet been from all sides to this world. In general, we invite you to look at a unique collection of buses from the USSR! Liaz 677, Laz 695, Ikarus 280, Ikarus 250 Tourist and some others. And as it turned out, all these names remained on the subcortex, as well as the creak of “accordion”, their smell in the cabin or the sound of empty bottles of the liaza floor.

As they were not called: cattle -breeding, lunar rover, bulldog. Today we will call them real names, respectfully and loving. After all, so many memories are connected with them! We went to Liaz to school, we got to the Laz for the cottage, we rode Ikarus a tourist on Red Square for graduation! And today all this technique looks familiar and fresh. Going into the salon of Ikarus-Harmoshka, you catch yourself thinking, as if only yesterday I went home: every trifle is familiar, every detail. We hope you get the same pleasure from our video and experience these moments with us!

By the way, recently we wrote about how to store valuable cars in general. Of course, it was not about buses, but an Youngtamers, convertibles and other cars for the soul, but by and large there is no difference. Do you want to buy a used converter for the summer? They intend to keep the Volga grandfather or such a icarus? Then these tips will be useful to you.

And here is another story about a kind of “bus”. At this link, you can see the material about the Chinese Armadillo Conquistador 6×6 Automa, which costs about 120 million rubles. The most interesting thing is not only the size of this thug, but also the terrace on the roof. In general, the Chinese were able to surprise: you have not seen this yet! /m

All-terrain vehicle from the USSR: Stalin KrAZ’s unfulfilled dream in Chernobyl armor secrets of the police Volga from the USSR

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