Categories: Auto News

Specialized parking for electric scooters may appear on Russian streets

State Duma deputies sent an appropriate proposal to the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Officials offer to allocate individual parking for users of personal mobility (SI). At the same time, regional authorities should determine the parking places for renting.

In addition to the allocation of specialized parking lots, deputies urge Kiksherring operators to register in their rules for using the requirements of the requirements, according to which users will be able to complete the rent only in the places allotted for this. Municipal authorities who know the specifics of the area should determine the locations of parking lots.

A scabble police appeared in Russia in Russia by one and a half times the number of accidents with the Yandex electric scooters found a way to combat trips on scooters together

The initiative is due to the fact that the growth of the popularity of the rental of electric scooters and other Sim led to the fact that in many cities, users throw equipment on the sidewalks, public transport stops and in other wrong places. As a result, scooters are interfered with both pedestrians and vehicles.

Deputies emphasize that in cities there should not be bulk of such technology. If the scooters are left in the wrong places, they will be evacuated, and users who unlawfully completed the rental, a fine.

At the end of February, Russia was proposed to ban the use of electric scooters to people who have not reached the age of 18. When considering the bill, the authorities arose many questions.

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