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According to the portal 20 min, such a harsh punishment is due to the fact that the level of cash fines in the country depends on the income of the offender. Since the motorist is a millionaire, the court decided to pay such an impressive amount. At the same time, subject to a number of conditions, a motorist can save most of the money.

The Swiss police calculated the offender using road cameras. Employees of the department saw on the frames that the motorist pressed greatly to the moving car ahead. Despite the fact that the incident did not lead to an accident, law enforcement officers still recorded a violation of the rules of the road.

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The driver tried to challenge the fine, but the judge was adamant.

In addition to the main punishment of 110 thousand dollars (more than a million rubles at the current rate), the Swiss will have to pay almost 15 thousand dollars in court costs. At the same time, a man can save most of the money if the roads of the road are not violated within two years.

The day before, Tesla fined the owners of its electric cars in China. The American Corporation, with the support of the PRC authorities, introduced a system of fines for public expression of discontent with machines.

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