The Telegram channel “Autopotok” reports about the personnel reshuffle at the top of the Uzbek company with reference to information from an unnamed insider. According to another channel, No Limits, Bo Andersson resigned on his own, announcing the completion of all the tasks assigned to him.
Under the leadership of Bu Andersson, UzAuto Motors attracted investors to launch mass production of cars on the GM GEM platform – the Chevrolet Onix sedan and the Tracker crossover. Sales of the brand in Uzbekistan have grown sharply: the market again became second for Chevrolet, surpassing Brazil, Mexico and China in terms of the number of cars sold. They sell more only in the USA.
Andersson took over as CEO of UzAuto Motors and UzAuto Motors Powertrain in the summer of 2021. The following year, production set a record: more than 327 thousand cars rolled off the assembly line. It was beaten the very next year, when volume increased by another 20 percent – to 395 thousand cars.
Bo Andersson announced the defeat of AvtoVAZ. And AvtoVAZ responded. In Uzbekistan, instead of Exeed, Hyundai is now assembled. In Uzbekistan, Chevrolet cars are modified with parts from Mercedes-Benz
In September of this year, Bo Andersson was fined five percent of his salary. According to the board of UzAuto Motors, Andersson did not take timely measures to settle receivables from foreign trade transactions of the UzAuto Motors Powertrain division.
Andersson is known to Russians for the fact that he headed AvtoVAZ from 2013 to 2016. Under him, the Volzhsky Automobile Plant launched the Lada Vesta sedan and the already discontinued XRay hatchback.
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