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State Duma chairman Vyacheslav Volodin in social networks raised the security problem when using personal mobility (SI). The chairman of the lower house of the parliament recalled that last year the number of registered accidents with Sim increased by 47%, 4052 people were injured in incidents, and 44 people died. More than a third of the accident happened on the sidewalks.

Vyacheslav Volodin wrote that the Investigative Committee of Russia sent a number of proposals to the State Duma. The power structure is going to clarify the term “vehicle” and expand it to SIM. Users of electric scooters and other Sim will be considered drivers, and the management will need rights. Depending on the power of the vehicle, Sim will be assigned categories.

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A capacity of up to 0.25 kW will require the subcategory M1, from 0.25 to 4 kW – category M (mopeds), over 4 kW – category A (motorcycles). The rights to manage Sim are invited to issue to persons who have reached the age of 16. Thus, Sim is equated to mechanical vehicles, and users will oblige us to comply with all the rules of the road.

Earlier, the Ministry of Transport of Russia made similar proposals, so tightening the requirements for Sim can be considered a matter of time. A year ago, the capital’s electric scapers appeared numbers, so photo-video recording of violations of road rules is already technically possible. Also soon in Moscow, rental electric scooters will work only after verification on the portal

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