The authorities of Tatarstan stated that the “battery” five -door would stand on the conveyor in July. The electric drive and batteries will be produced by Rosatom, and the level of localization will exceed 70%. At the moment, more than 105 thousand atom electric vehicles are booked by private and state customers, including taxi parking and car sharing. 13 prototypes participate in the tests.
Serial production of atom electric vehicles was originally planned for July, and six months later the schedule is withstanding. Last summer it was assumed that the hatchback would cost 3.1-3.3 million rubles, depending on the configuration and purpose. However, officially prices will only be revealed to the third quarter.
Look at the swing doors of the electric car atom Electrocarki atom: the first short trip on the prototype Electrocark atom will receive domestic glasses with support for the projection display
The target indicators of the “atom”-acceleration 0-100 in eight seconds and a margin of move to 500 kilometers. Also, a hatchback should receive four stars in crash tests according to the methodology of the Chinese Association of S-NCAP. Before serial production, three rounds of crash tests will be held, in which three dozen electric vehicles are involved. They plan to release atoms in the capital at the Moskvich factory.
According to the documents, the power of the atom electric car will be taxing 95 horsepower, but the peak recoil will be 204 horsepower. Among the unique features of the hatchback are Russian glasses with a projection display and an unusual design of doors without a central rack.
Look at the interior of the serial electric car atom