The traffic police plans to reduce the number of documents when processing drivers detained for driving while intoxicated. The innovation is designed to optimize the work of inspectors and reduce the bureaucratic burden. Now traffic police officers are forced to draw up from three to five procedural documents, including protocols on removal from control and on the detention of a vehicle.
The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed a bill aimed at simplifying the registration procedure for drivers detained for drunk driving. The department analyzed the existing regulations and came to the conclusion that some documents, such as protocols on removal from control and detention of vehicles, are often redundant.
Cyclists in Russia will be checked for intoxication in the event of an accident. In Russia, they began to report drunk drivers via Telegram. Russians will be paid for complaints about drunk drivers. But not everywhere
In this regard, it is proposed to amend the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO), which will provide traffic police inspectors with the opportunity not to draw up separate protocols on detention and removal, but to limit themselves to the corresponding marks in other procedural documents. This will significantly reduce the time spent on registering a violation and optimize the work of inspectors.
At the end of autumn 2024, it became known that in Russia it is planned to tighten the procedure for obtaining a medical certificate for a driver’s license. The Russian Ministry of Health has proposed mandatory drug testing for all candidates for obtaining or replacing a driver’s license.
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