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The portal found out that the state state institution of the Samara Region “Transport Service Service” received ten stretch shoes. According to the Motor’s own information, Lada Aura cars will become the new service transport of members of the regional government: in December, the new AvtoVAZ was registered with the numbers of the local special series A*AR163.

The main buyer of LADA AURA was structures close to managing the affairs of the President of the Russian Federation: in the aggregate, the metropolitan specialgracks were replenished with 171 stretch-sedan, that is, almost 90% of the machines found themselves with one customer! On the balance sheet of “Autobase No. 2” there were 110 four -likes, the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Auto -Transport Plant” has 47 more, and 14 copies went to the FSBI “Rossiya transport plant”.

Simplified by Lada Aura for a taxi was opened to the premiere, see what the new Lada Aura, the head of AvtoVAZ, spoke about his own Lada turbo engine

One Lada Aura appeared on the balance sheet of AvtoVAZ itself, ten cars went to the “Transport Service Service” under the Government of the Samara Region, two units in the Federal Autonomous Institution “Main Directorate of State Expertise”. Thus, while the flagship of the Volga Automobile Plant went to a few non -state customers.

In October, at the start of the serial production of Lada Aura at AvtoVAZ, it was planned to release 2.9 thousand stretch shoes until the end of 2024, and in 2025 the auto giant was ready to increase the circulation to eight thousand units in the presence of demand. The organization of the flagship of the plant was invested in 3.2 billion rubles.

These are ours: all the novelties of the domestic auto industry 2024

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