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At the annual press conference, the President of the Russian Association of Car dealers (Road) Alexei Podchekoldin shared the curious slides that characterize the situation in the market. According to Road estimates, the average salary from 2014 to 2024 increased by 135 percent; During this time, new cars went up by 234 percent, and used – by 260 percent.

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In absolute values, the gap looks like this: in 2014, the average salary was 34 thousand rubles, a used car cost 375 thousand rubles (11 salaries), and a new car – about one million rubles (30 salaries). In the second half of 2024, the average salary amounted to 80 thousand rubles, the “backing” car cost on average 1.35 million rubles (17 salaries), and the new one – 3.35 million rubles (41 salaries).


According to Road estimates, only since 2022 new cars have risen on average by 46 percent. The forecast implies the fall of the Russian car market: new cars in 2025 will lose 5%of sales, light commercial – 15%, and heavy trucks 20%. Thus, the updates are not expected in the near future in the near future.

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President Road spoke out against the constant increase of utilsbor: according to Alexei Podchekoldin, this is not the way that will force foreigners to localize in Russia. The speaker also believes that the car market is harmed by a high key rate and a currency course with a weak ruble, so without the corresponding steps the state is an genocide.

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