Categories: Auto News

AGR will produce cars under the Tenet brand on the Russian market

In addition to the announcement, the domestic manufacturer did not reveal any details of the future project. Representatives of the company published only one image of the front of the car, the style of which resembles a popular Chinese crossover. At the same time, the name of the new brand refers to the last film of the cult American director Christopher Nolan.

In a photo published by AGR, the car is almost completely hidden under a dense cover. You can only consider the front part of the car, which resembles the Chinese Cher’s Tiggo 7 Pro Max crossover. At the same time, unlike the model from the Middle Kingdom, a block of fog headlights is clearly allocated in the future novelty. In addition, the Tenet logo is present on the radiator grille.

The Volkswagen ex-Wolks will produce 110 thousand cars in 2025. In 2025, the production volumes of Kaluga Automobiles were disclosed what Chinese cars will be assembled at the former Hyundai plant in St. Petersburg

The published picture is accompanied by the inscription “soon on the roads of the country.” The company did not open any other details, including the car factory on which the cars will be assembled. Currently, AGR Automotive Group releases models under the SOLARIS brand from South Korean machine tools at an enterprise in St. Petersburg. In addition, the company owns the former sites of Volkswagen, Hyundai and General Motors in Russia.

Tenet from English is translated as “principle” or “postulate”. In addition, such a name in the original in 2020 received the last current film by Christopher Nolan, “Association”.

In November last year, AGR Automotive Group registered the Novo brand. As in the case of Tenet, the manufacturer did not reveal any details of the possible project.

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