The Telegram channel “Trucks and in general” shared a photo of an onboard off-road truck. Such a “Sable NN” 4×4 was captured in Nizhny Novgorod, and insiders claim that production started quite recently. All-wheel drive chassis have not yet appeared at dealers: the line consists of combi and vans with an all-metal body at a price of 3,765,000 rubles.
An eyewitness came across a “tadpole” with a short three-meter base and a total length of about five meters: these are among the regular GAZ Sobol NN. The family will not have a two-row cab: only the regular Gazelle NN will remain four-door or one-and-a-half. There is no doubt that the flatbed truck will be the most affordable in the line, but there are no price lists in the public domain.
New GAZ “Sable NN” 4×4: official video and start of sales Sable for 8 million GAZ showed off-road “Sable NN” 4×4 for hunting and camping
At the beginning of September, “Sable NN” cost from 3,615,000 to 3,740,000 rubles, but now prices have increased by at least 150 thousand rubles. The truck has an unpainted bumper, but still has fog lights, and there are three seats in the cab. According to preliminary data, prototypes of all-wheel drive “tadpoles” will serve as the basis for racing trucks of the GAZ Raid Sport factory team.
In terms of technology, all production Sobol NN 4x4s are the same: under the hood is a 2.5-liter turbodiesel (149.6 horsepower, 420 Nm) coupled with a domestic 6-speed manual transmission, ground clearance is 220 millimeters, and there is a standard transfer case , protection of the crankcase, radiator and front wheel drives. Another new GAZ product, the all-wheel drive Gazelle NN, has identical technology.
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