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How to store valuable cars correctly

At first glance, it seems that the issue of saving cars is only facing collectors and other wealthy people who simply do not have time to drive on all their cars. But such situations are much more common. Do you want to buy a used convertible for the summer? Intend to keep the Volga grandfather? They moved to an electric car, but left their favorite gasoline “lighter”? Then our tips will be useful to you.

Gleb Rachko, founder of Oldtimercars, told us about what cars saving cars exist today and what can and should be done even in a regular garage. Being an expert on import, export and restoration of classic cars, he is dealing with both collectors and investors. These people are interested in maintaining their cars like no other, and willingly adopt the best European methods. Some of them are quite costly, but others are quite applicable in ordinary life.

Optimal climatic conditions

One of the main parameters affecting the safety of the car is air humidity. Long -term practice of English and German auto -screws proved that the optimal humidity is 50%. At the same time, the metal does not corrode and does not dry the skin and wood. To maintain this level, you can use both air conditioning systems and various air drainages.


The equipment must be selected depending on the room – its volume and tightness. The cost of the simplest drainer, capable of maintaining a given level of moisture on an area of ​​10 square meters, is about 20 thousand rubles. And production condenses capable of processing up to 20,000 cubic meters of air per hour cost more than a million rubles.

Motor House Storage

The temperature of the storage of olderers is not as important as air humidity, and can fluctuate in positive values ​​from 15 to 30 ºС. The absence of its differences is much more important. After all, a quick change of even several degrees negatively affects almost all materials that, according to the laws of physicists, compress or expand, accelerating aging.

Personal storage methods

If it is not possible to ensure optimal storage conditions in the entire room, then you can create a microclimate around the machine or motorcycle by placing it in a special cover. Moreover, it can be just a cloak made of fabric, a sealed “cocoon” or personal boxing.


The first option is the most affordable, but also the most meaningless. Especially if this is an ordinary universal cover made for modern machines. He can protect the car only from dust, and even partially. A more acceptable case, sewn to order – with this option, the selected material and the adjacent form provide greater protection. But even the best case can save the Old Timer from pollution and the action of sunlight, but will not provide the necessary climate.

In the West, there are several dozen offers for storing cars in “cocoons” or capsules. Unlike covers, they tightly close the entire car, and some more special fillers (inert gas or special aerosols) are pumped into some, which are preservatives and slow down the destruction processes.


Typically, the cocoon consists of two parts – a strong bottom to which the vehicle calls, and the upper section. They are interconnected in various ways, the main task of which is to ensure tightness. In Europe, the cost of such products is from 300 to 1,500 euros, depending on the design, materials, volume and additional equipment. Such capsules can be used both stationary, for winter storage, and to create protection during transportation and participation in outdoor exhibitions.

Another type of storage is a personal box. It can be in the form of a prefabricated structure made of polyethylene, and a rather monumental structure, more like a garage. This option may be suitable for storing a car on a site near the house, when you do not need to create a separate foundation, but a sufficiently flat site and access to the mains. The simplest options cost from 1000 euros, and expensive and durable structures are comparable at a price with small prefabricated houses.


One of the modern technologies used by the use of a sealed cover-Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI’s)-the condemnation of an anti-corrosion inhibitor has been used since the mid-70s in the American army and NASA. Particles contained in pairs are attracted by metal and create a molecular film that prevents contact with water.

Where do we lubricate that we plug it?

If you need to determine in advance with the storage location, then the preparation of the emperor for “hibernation” can only be done if any. Here, again, the advice of experienced owners from Europe can help.


First of all, you need to wash the car well. External contaminants can serve as a catalyst to start the rust process, and the dirt inside the cabin to the development of the fungus and mold. After washing, the aldimeer must be dried. If the machine is stored in the room with the right conditions, then it is better to cover it with a light cover made of soft fabrics, which will protect against dust and scratches, and will allow the old -time “breathing”.

Do not tightly close the windows in the cabin. It is enough to leave small cracks for air circulation. You can put on the seats by a pack of soda – it absorbs excess moisture, and on the contrary will give it when dried. Doors, covers of the hood and trunk must be treated with a thin layer of silicone lubricant or petroleum jelly on the seal surface to prevent sticking to the surface of the paint.

Motorcar Classics Storage

It is also worth placing small items under the brushes of wipers so that they do not stick to the glass. It is better for convertibles with a soft roof to raise it to avoid folds and jams.

All technical fluids must completely fill the tanks intended for them in order to reduce condensation. The exception is only a cooling system, if water is used – it needs to be drained and the radiator is dried. To prevent the appearance of rust in the tank, it is better to completely fill it with gasoline. The only thing is that the conservation lasted more than one season, it is better not to use this gasoline due to its stratification, and to drain from all systems, including the carburetor.

Dourado Luxury Car

Also, before the “awakening” you need to change the filters and all the oil that does not like long inaction. His drain will help get rid of the condensation that has arisen, and his surpluses will also be removed, flooded for better storage.

To maintain the suspension in working condition, you should put special stands under the frame or body. They must remove the load from elastic elements and avoid the occurrence of flat spots on the tires. But the stands should not be too high so that the springs do not stretch. After installing the underpans, you need to check whether the body is exactly located: a small roll can lead to irreversible deformation. It is also recommended to cover with preserving lubricant nodes and friction surface in the suspension, steering and transmission.

WestSide Collector Car Storage

If the car stands on its wheels, without the use of supports, then usually once a month you need to change their positions and check the tire pressure so that there would be no “slopes”.

A discharged battery is always an unpleasant surprise, which, moreover, does not prolong the life of the battery. It will not hurt to purchase a special charger that works from the 220 V network, has protection against erroneous connection and universal clamps for terminals. Such devices are inexpensive and do not require special settings – everything is fully automated.

Otto Summer Storage

But for the duration of a long parking, the battery is best removed from the car (this is the advice primarily for cars in which there are practically no electronic systems). It is better to store the removed battery on isolated surfaces (for example, on a wooden board) and not on the floor. Six -volt batteries must be checked once a week, in the case of a leak – recharge. For 12-voltovs, such a check is necessary monthly.

With very long storage (when the time count does not for months, but for years), do not neglect chemistry designed for various details and materials. There are special compounds for the processing of chromium, plastic, rubber parts (their service life of 3-5 years can be increased by 50%). You can use additives to prevent the formation of condensate in the engine (additives for water engines are suitable), which are sprayed into the carburetor and cylinders. Before applying this or that drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions and, if doubt, try the drug on an inconspicuous area or abandon it.

CANEPA Storage

No matter how ridiculous it sounds, but you need to make sure that the rodents do not use the aldimer as food or at home. And if the rats gnaw the wires, you can only fight the global destruction of pests with the help of poison or traps, then their settlements in the exhaust system can be avoided by plugging the pipe with a rag.

All these worries about the old car are comparable to courting an elderly relative. But in addition to moral satisfaction, the good condition of the aldaimer has material compensation. Although, according to the owner of a large network of centers for working with Retromashins, Beaufort Restrant Services, Mike Williams, like most European colences, “the whole technique works best when it is used. Even the simplest motorcycle suffers during storage, and complex machines can become a nightmare. ” /m

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