Most of the owners of the “Chinese” are satisfied with their cars. This conclusion was reached by the Renaissance Insurance group and the Caready federal network of car service after a survey of Russian motorists. Positively the experience of operating a Chinese car was estimated by 81 percent of the respondents.
Most owners of Chinese cars (81%) have positively appreciated the experience of owning their cars. Serving them has become noticeably easier to both in terms of the availability of spare parts and cost. About this “” was told in the group “Renaissance Insurance” and the federal network of car services Caready.
Of the interviewed drivers, 43% appreciated the “Chinese” as a whole positively, the same is purely positive. Only every eighth gave a negative assessment. Among the main advantages, respondents most often called the lower cost of service compared to other foreign cars (44%), a wide range (33%), the availability of spare parts (21%) and high quality service (16%).
At the same time, owners of Chinese cars were more likely to prepare for this winter (74% against 67% of Korean drivers, 59% of Russian vehicles and 58% of Japanese owners) and spent more on it. Perhaps this is due to a little experience in the operation of the “Chinese” in winter. At the same time, the respondents were disagreed with the common opinion that Chinese cars are not at all adapted to Russian frosts. If among the owners of other foreign cars there are 56%of them, then among the owners of the “Chinese” – only 21%.
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