For now, cars with Moscow and regional license plates can drive on the MSD for free. However, the capital’s authorities are already “considering various solutions” to reduce congestion on the expressway connecting the North-East and South-East Expressways. “The load on the MSD is growing, and now there is a choice: either it will turn into an overloaded highway with congestion, or there will be an opportunity for some money to drive along it in a more or less predictable time,” Kommersant quotes Moscow Deputy Mayor Maxim Liksutov .
The Moscow High-Speed Diameter connects the north, east and south of Moscow, bypassing the city center. From January 2, 2023, travel on the MSD costs 950 rubles, but it is free for cars registered in Moscow and the Moscow region. According to Liksutov, 400 thousand vehicles pass along the diameter every day, of which only one percent are transit. “This is a problem that requires a solution,” says the vice mayor, and the introduction of paid travel for Muscovites could be such a solution. “The experience of Bagration Avenue (another toll road in Moscow) has shown that even with high tariffs the route is in demand,” he added.
Currently, Bagration Avenue is the fastest road in the capital – the average speed of cars there is 90 kilometers per hour.
Moscow drivers began to drive faster Drivers in Moscow began to receive new fines Three more toll roads will be built in Moscow
In the summer it was reported that the capital authorities refuse to build three more toll roads in Moscow – they will appear in the north-west and south of the city and will connect different areas. The first, 7.9 kilometers long, will connect Svoboda and Zhivopisnaya streets, connecting the north of the city with the business center of Moscow City. The second and longest (22.5 kilometers) will run from Leningradskoye Shosse to the third Magistralnaya Street. It will connect Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo and the development of the former Tushino airfield with Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, bypassing Volokolamka. Well, the third 11.3-kilometer one will connect Trofimova Street and Sevastopolsky Avenue and will run from the former ZIL industrial zone to the south and southwest, bypassing the Third Transport Ring.
The listed projects are very expensive: their total estimate exceeds 230 billion rubles. They are going to raise funds, including from private sources. The most expensive road will be the road from Leningradskoye Shosse to Moscow City, 22.5 kilometers long: almost 150 billion will be spent on it.
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