Pre-owned cars lit up in a video published in the telegram channel atom-it was shot in Moscow. At least two atoms were seen without camouflage, and, judging by their appearance, this is the final design of the exterior – in this form, the model will go into production. Earlier it was reported that the prototypes were collected manually according to the non -terrible technological process, but they are completely functional.
Atoms passed a series of dynamic tests, during which they were subjected to various types of loads in dynamics and tested on different types of road surface. Then the tests were carried out at the Test Center of the FSUE NAME, and now the electric cars have left for public roads for refinement. It is noteworthy, on one of the prototypes photographed in Moscow, you can notice the registration number with the code of Tatarstan. From open sources it follows that STS was issued 10.10.24, and the equipped mass of the prototype is 1985 kilograms.
Look at the pre -production version of the Russian electric car atom steering wheel and projection: the digital interfaces of the Elektrokara Atom showed the finished body of his electric car
Moskvich’s capital plant will produce serial electric cars – there, in test mode, they have already begun to weld the atoms, but they are not yet assembled to the finished cars, since they are sent for measurements to the laboratory. The first model of the Russian startup should go on sale before the end of this year.
Meanwhile, orders for atoms began to be accepted a year ago, then to apply for an application it was required to make an advance payment of seven thousand rubles. In early autumn, it was reported that the number of applications reached the mark of 105 thousand, and the total amount of prepayment, which received a startup from August 2023, exceeds 735 million rubles.
The atom is driven by an electric motor with constant magnets with a capacity of 204 horsepower, which nourishes a battery with a capacity of 77 kilowatt hours-on one of its charge the electric car is able to drive up to 500 kilometers. It is already known that the ADAS 2+ system with 18 functions will include the equipment list, among which there will be autonomous parking, a system of retention in the strip, adaptive cruise control and emergency braking.
According to preliminary data, the atom will cost from 2.9 to 4 million rubles, excluding state considy.
Look at the interior of the serial electric car atom