Experts tested the car using the C-NCAP method, which has been used by the Chinese Center for Automotive Technology and Research since this year. Based on the results of the races, the crossover, which will appear on the Russian market early next year, demonstrated high results in each test.
In the C-NCAP technique, cars encounter certain obstacles at higher speeds. In addition, the tests imply more stringent safety assessments for rear passengers and children. Experts noted that after side impacts, the crossover doors opened freely. At the same time, the on-board systems of the vehicle operated normally.
In crash testing, the Exlantix ET scored 91.28 percent for front occupants and 76.2 percent for pedestrians. Experts rated the performance of active safety systems and driver assistants at 86 percent.
In the Chinese market, Exlantix ET is available in hybrid and electric versions. The company did not disclose which modification was crash tested. In Russia, the crossover is expected in the first quarter of 2025.
At the beginning of December, the Exlantix ES electric sedan underwent a series of crash tests. The battery model will also appear on the Russian market.
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