From January 9, 2025, the cost of travel along the section of the M-11 Neva highway from 15 to 58 kilometers has changed. This was reported by its operator, the North-West Concession Company (NWCC). The price increased by 3-9 percent for all categories of cars. This applies to both transponder owners and those who pay for travel in cash or by credit card. Only season ticket holders were not affected by the change in tariffs.
For cars and motorcycles, the fare for travel along the M-11 section has increased from 10 to 100 rubles, depending on the time of day. The maximum fare is 1,400 rubles.
So, the price without a transponder on a weekday from Moscow to Sheremetyevo-2 will be 460 rubles, to Zelenograd – 570 rubles, to Solnechnogorsk – 1030 rubles. With a transponder, travel in the same directions costs 435, 525 and 865 rubles, respectively. That is, the savings will be 5.4-16 percent.
A new toll highway has opened in the Moscow region. Russian road services have complained about a decrease in profits. They want to make the Moscow High-Speed Diameter a toll highway for drivers in the capital.
And buyers of travel passes can save the maximum – up to 65 percent, notes NWCC. They are available to transponder owners and are offered for a varying number of trips – from two to 30.
Over the next five years, they are going to build new federal highways in Russia at a cost of a trillion rubles. Avtodor will spend about 130 billion rubles on the construction of a section of the Dzhubga – Sochi highway in the Krasnodar Territory.
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