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The revenues to the Russian budget from the utilization fee in 2024 reached a record values ​​- more than one trillion rubles, which is almost twice as much as in 2023. This was the result of increasing the import of cars and strengthening measures to combat the deviation of the fee. Further growth is expected in connection with the increase in bets and the abolition of benefits.

In 2024, the state budget of Russia received a significant replenishment due to a recycling fee, which amounted to more than one trillion rubles. This amount significantly exceeds the indicators of 2023. The main factors that influenced the increase in fees were the increase in the import of cars into the country and the activation of measures to prevent various schemes for avoiding the utilization fee. The effectiveness of measures to combat tax evasion also contributed to an increase in revenues to the treasury.

Dealers clearly showed a drop in the accessibility of the car over 10 years in Russia, utilsbor for electric cars increased the Russians took a record number of loans for the purchase of new cars

A significant part of the fees (669 billion rubles) fell on cars imported into the country, the remaining amount (417 billion rubles) – for cars produced in Russia. It is important to note that the state compensates for domestic manufacturers to the utilsbor they paid. As a result, the total amount of revenues exceeded the predicted indicators by 13 percent, which indicates the effectiveness of introduced measures and a favorable economic situation in the automotive industry. The forecast for 2025 is even more optimistic – more than two trillion rubles are expected to collect.

Earlier it became known that in Russia a project to adjust the Utilsbor bets for certain categories of vehicles is considered. In particular, it is planned to revise bets for dump trucks and concrete mixers. The Ministry of Industry and Trade offers to tie the rates to the carrying capacity and the total mass of the equipment.

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