The pictures are published by the telegram channel “Trucks and in general.” According to the channel, the photo shows a prototype equipped with a diesel engine and a JAC manual transmission. Previously, a similar combination began to be tested on the Patriot, however, “with broad unification, these models differ quite significantly, so that a cargo-passenger vehicle also takes part in the tests.”
The fact that the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant began testing a new transmission and diesel engine became known a few days ago. Then we were talking about the Patriot, which with the update will acquire a combination of engine and gearbox from the Chinese brand JAC. The new modification of the SUV is expected to go on sale in the fourth quarter of 2025, namely in November.
Trucks and in general /
This update will be the first such large-scale update for Patriot in almost 11 years. The production of a two-liter diesel engine, which will be used not only by the Patriot, but also by the Pickup, has been established at the Sollers plant in Alabuga. On commercial Sollers, the engine output is 130 horsepower, and for the Patriot the power will be increased to 136.
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Insiders claim that the increase in price of a Patriot equipped with a diesel engine and Chinese “mechanics” will be 250 thousand rubles relative to the current model. The updated SUV is expected to have modernized lighting equipment, and active (ESP) and passive (airbag) safety elements should return to the equipment list, as a result of which a Patriot with a 2.0-liter engine is unlikely to be cheaper than 2.5 million rubles.
It is logical to assume that the pickup truck will also become more expensive.
It was previously reported that the combination of a JAC diesel engine and a six-speed manual gearbox was tested on a rear-wheel drive UAZ Profi truck: such a version has already been developed, and the start of sales is just around the corner.
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