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The BJ60 model entered the assembly line of the Kaliningrad Avtotor plant. According to the press service of the enterprise, to launch production, new equipment was developed and manufactured, additional sections of the line were equipped and the software was reconfigured. The first copies of the model have already been assembled: this is the BJ60 with a two-liter diesel engine and mild hybrid technology.

Avtotor has mastered the production of an electrified modification of the BAIC BJ60: such SUVs are equipped with a 2.0-liter diesel engine with a capacity of 163 horsepower and a 14-horsepower electric motor that serves as a starter-generator. The gearbox is a classic eight-speed automatic, all-wheel drive, part-time type, there is a reduction gear, differential locks and independent suspension.

Avtotor Avtotor Avtotor

Prices, as well as the start of sales, have not yet been announced. In China, a BJ60 with a “mild” hybrid costs from 210 thousand yuan (2.8 million rubles at today’s exchange rate) including discounts.

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In Russia, only the “junior” BJ40 is currently sold, which as of the end of January can be purchased for 3,925,000–4,025,000 rubles (prices excluding discounts for cars produced in 2024). It is logical to assume that the larger BJ60, and even with “mild hybrid” technology, will cost significantly more.

In addition to SUVs, the BAIC brand is represented on the Russian market by several more models, the production of which is also established at Avtotor. These are the U5 Plus sedan and the X35, X55, X7 and X75 crossovers. By the end of 2025, a new generation BJ40 will appear in Russia.

“Chinese” made in Russia: new models on the assembly lines of Russian factories

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